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Beard Grooming Tips for the Summer Heat: Keeping Cool and Styled

Beard Grooming Tips for the Summer Heat: Keeping Cool and Styled


Summer heat is something that can’t be escaped, only endured, and while no amount of hot and sticky days could ever bring you to sacrifice your beard, those uncomfortable, sweaty moments might have you contemplating it just for a second.

Beards can be difficult to deal with during the dog days of summer, but that doesn’t mean that you’re stuck being miserable until fall! With a few seasonal adjustments to your grooming and beard care routine, you’ll be able to stay cool, comfortable, and stylish from now through the rest of the year. Here’s what to do!

Go for Frequent Trims

Whatever your normal schedule is for trimming back the length of your beard, consider kicking it up a notch during the hot weather. Not only will keeping your beard a little shorter help you to stay cool in high temperatures, but frequent trims are essential to keeping the ends of your hair strands feeling healthy and soft as opposed to brittle and itchy. Being hot in the summer is bad enough, but being hot and itchy is a step too far, so keep those ends in good shape to avoid it!

Wear Sunscreen

Yes, even when it’s cloudy out, even on days when you aren’t going outside. We should really all be wearing some level of SPF every day, but the reality is that most men don’t bother. If there’s any time to make an extra effort, however, it’s the summer. Not only will this protect the skin of your face from painful sunburn (and yes, you can get sunburned under your beard. If you’ve ever sunburned your scalp, you’ll know that it’s a feeling to avoid repeating), but it will protect the hairs of your beard and mustache from the harmful rays of the sun as well. Too much unprotected sun exposure can be less than ideal for your facial hair, even potentially bleaching it to a lighter color! If you want to avoid this, make sure you lather up with sunscreen throughout the summer.

Stay Hydrated

Keeping up hydration, inside and out, during the summer months will have nothing but positive impacts on your body and your beard. The high temperatures of summer (as well as popular summer activities like swimming) can really dry out your skin and hair, leading to brittle, itchy, uncomfortable beards that are prone to losing length from breakage. A good moisturizing beard product like a balm or a butter will help to lock some of that hydration back in, but don’t forget to hydrate yourself as well. Your beard can never look and feel its best if you’re dehydrated, so get those ounces of water in over the course of the day!

Protect Your Beard

It might sound counterintuitive, but water can be a major culprit in drying out your beard and the skin of your face, especially salty ocean water or harsh, chlorinated pool water. This doesn’t mean that you have to forgo a swim– it just means that you have to prepare properly if you want to protect your beard! To do so, you can simply use beard oil to keep your facial hair moisturized. Coat the strands of your beard in a small amount of beard oil before you go for a dip!

Being a bearded man during the summer can be just as great as it is the rest of the year if you’re taking the proper steps to prepare. Our line of premium beard care products here at Fresh Beards can help you to do just that! You can browse through our collection to find the combination that works best for you.

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