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New Year, New Beard Routine: Starting Fresh in 2025

New Year, New Beard Routine: Starting Fresh in 2025


It’s a new year, and as we all sweep up the confetti and settle back into the swing of things after the rush of the holiday season, it’s time to start making some changes that reflect the potential of the coming twelve months. Plenty of people make annual resolutions– to get in shape, to get that new job, to finally finish that book– but have you ever thought about making a resolution around taking care of yourself? If you want to look, feel, and be your best and healthiest self, you have to start with a strong routine that covers all the basics of what your mind and body need. 

This might sound like a big ask, but starting small with something like your beard can be the perfect intro! If you haven’t been completely happy with the way your facial hair looks, a refresh in 2025 might be just the thing you need to grow a beard that looks great, feels great, and reflects the effort you put into it. Here are some ways to start out!

Trim It Back

Out with the old, in with the new. Men who are trying to grow out full, shapely beards and mustaches know the pain of watching the fruits of all your patient waiting fall victim to the scissors or the clippers. However, as sad as it is to lose progress when you’re going for length, hanging onto those straggly ends can often do more harm than good. This hair is older, drier, and more brittle, making it more prone to breakage and damage, so you’re likely to lose the length anyway. Plus, all that uneven breakage makes the ends of your beard look even thinner and more ragged– not the ideal look! 

Trimming your facial hair back so that all of the ends are soft and even will not only feel better, but will help encourage healthy growth and keep breakage at bay. It’s the fresh start your beard needs for the new year!

Assess Your Needs

For many men, changing up their beard care routine is not something that they put a lot of thought into. Once they find what works best for them, they stick to it and shift their attention to other priorities. This isn’t a bad thing! As the old saying goes, if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. However, if it’s been a while since you updated your beard routine, it might be that something actually does need fixing and you just haven’t noticed it.

Take a closer look at how your facial hair is looking and feeling lately and try to think of things you could change in your routine that could help. If you’re feeling a little extra greasy, adding in an extra wash during the week and making sure to brush more often can help. Dryness is especially common at this time of year, and if you’re still using the same routine you had in the summer, your skin and hair strands could be thirsting for more moisture. Try to take a step back and look at the bigger picture to find what your facial hair is really needing right now!

Revamp Your Routine

Once you’ve identified what you need from an updated routine, work on making it a habit! Whether it’s an extra dab of beard oil at night, a thorough brushing and combing session every morning, or a light balm to give you some extra hold and shape during busy days, it’s time to work in those changes and see how you like the results.

Habits take time to build, but the first few weeks of the new year when you have the motivation is a great time to get into the rhythm of things. After a while, your new routine will become second nature. If you find that you’re still not liking the results after you’ve given yourself (and your beard) a few weeks to get used to things, switch it up! When you find what works, you’ll know it.

Choose Quality Products

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success when it comes to your facial hair is to use only the best products, made with nourishing ingredients. Feed your skin and hair on small-batch, quality products like the kinds from Fresh Beards, and you’ll thank yourself for it later!

Armed with butters, balms, oils, washes, and waxes of Fresh Beards quality, you’ll be looking better than ever as you tackle the new year!

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